Wednesday 9 May 2007

Goole selection


The lost Princess
A fictional story, a murder mystery like an Inspector Morse, the story of a New Inspector that comes to Goole and discovers a body of a young girl and has to unravel the mystery of her murder.

Set around the docks of the port of Goole the young girl turns out to be Anastasia the missing Russian Princess but who murdered her and why?

Dr A.D. Holmes
Based on real characters and events. Today, Dr Holmes is a relatively little known character but Dr Holmes helped change the face of Goole to what it is today.

“Doctor A. D. Holmes had a big impact on Goole. It tells the story of one man’s determination to save lives and improve living conditions. It’s a fiery story of a one-man battle against an almost impossible council after his best and most loyal friend dies.”
The story of how Mr Ellis, one of Goole’s oldest residents, died due to bad housing and how Dr Holmes forced the Leader of Council to face up to the conditions people were living in. A Campaigning story that results in the bringing of hygienic housing to Goole.

Friday 4 May 2007

New Project

Over the next two months I will be working as a mentor for Teesside University, Digital City Fellowships scheme.

I was aware of Marc's project thanks to contact from Vin Arthey, an experienced producer currently at Teesside University with an eye for a good story.

I'm really excited about the project Digital City approached me with. Digital City are creating some real innovative work which is just my thing. Fellow Marc Ganley is currently developing a script for an hour long TV documentary based on the last Viking invasion of England which took place in 1066. It's already a cracking piece of work and has great potential as a doc/drama. As working with his illustrator shows, Marc has already put a lot of work into the research and Duchy hopes to help steer this ambitious project to the next level. While working well for the domestic market the project as Marc has created it has great international potential.

Duchy have a long established tradition of new technological approaches to working with animation/illustration and historical based drama projects that are developed in an imaginative, dramatic and innovative form. Marc's "Viking Invasion" is going to be another.

The Illustration shown here is (c) Marc Ganley and not for reuse without prior permission.

Wednesday 2 May 2007

New Feature Film Success

Success for 'White Crow'. White Crow, the newest feature film drama from Duchy has just been selected for screenplay development through the Mediterranean Film Institute. The MFI programme based in Greece is funded in part by MEDIA's script development programme and runs four sessions over a six month period starting in June 2007 with the aim of taking a drama idea from treatment to full screenplay draft. The application process is competitive and getting a project onto the MFI programme is a great achievement and offers the chance to work with some world class European and American tutors.

Tuesday 1 May 2007


May is the month for starting the process of creating short drama films by young Yorkshire filmmakers taking part in Goole Silent Movie Project.

Produced through Duchy Parade Films, David Bunting and Ciaran Cross introduce some of our filmmakers to the power of the camera.
Thanks to sponsorship by Kodak the project allows the opportunity for filmmakers of tomorrow to experience the joy of working with real film starting with the world of Super 8. Now that takes you back doesn't it! You can't beat the feel of working with film.

To learn more about this innovative project and discover a treasure trove of information on silent film, cinema history, Super 8 as well as useful tips on writing drama - check out: